
State Funded Approved Budgets by Year

State Budget to Actual Reports:

Biennial Budget Requests by Year

A self-supporting account has its own revenue source to support the account program. Each account must maintain a positive cash balance and any funds remaining at year end will roll forward to the next year.

Self-Supporting Approved Budgets by Year

Self-Supporting Budget to Actual Report:

The state operating budget appropriations funds the normal academic year costs of state supported classes. This includes most of the administrative operating costs over the fiscal year for the fall and spring semesters. The fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.

Summer school is separately budgeted and completely self-supporting. Summer school is based on a calendar year from January 1 through December 31. Summer school budgets are developed by the dean of Instruction; signed by the VP of Academic and Student Affairs and submitted for approval to the Board of Regents.

Summer School/Mid Year Approved Budgets by Year:

Contact Us

Budget Office
Bristlecone Building, Room 168
2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703