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Students enrolled in NSHE courses will be treated as NSHE students and therefore must abide by NSHE policies. Inappropriate use of computing or networking resources may result in the loss of computing privileges. If a violation of appropriate use occurs, a warning will first be given, notifying the individual that their action violates policy or law and that their access will be suspended if the action continues. All NSHE Code and campus bylaws shall be followed if the need to suspend computing privileges from faculty, staff, or students occurs. However, if the security and operation of the computing systems or networks are jeopardized, access may be immediately cancelled. In congruence with NRS 281.481, NSHE employees shall not use the NSHE computer resources to . . . Benefit their personal or financial interest. Personal use shall not interfere with official institutional use. An employee who intentionally or negligently damages NSHE computing resources shall be held responsible for the resultant expense. An NSHE account given to students, faculty, and staff is for the use only of the person to whom it is given. Unauthorized access or privileges are not allowed. In electronic communication such as mail, the user should not misrepresent his or her identity. No user should attempt to disrupt services of the computing and network systems, including the knowing propagation of computer viruses or the bombardment of individuals, groups, or the system with numerous repeated unwanted messages. Privacy Issues The NSHE provides security measures to protect . . . The integrity and privacy of electronic information such as administrative data, individual data, personal files, and electronic mail. All FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) requirements are followed. That users must not circumvent security measures. Internet You should be aware that the NSHE agreement with the provider for Internet access prohibits: Attempted unauthorized access or destruction of any customers' information. Knowingly engaging in any activities that will cause a denial-of-service to any customers. Using products and services to interfere with the use of the network by other customers or authorized users, or in violation of the law or in aid of any unlawful act. NevadaNet Inappropriate Use It is not appropriate to use NevadaNet for any purpose that violates NSHE Code, federal or state laws and/or regulations. It is not appropriate to use the NevadaNet network in a manner that results either directly or indirectly in interference or disruption to NevadaNet Participants’ services or equipment. Such inappropriate uses include, but are not limited to: Distribution of email or other traffic containing non NSHE related commercial advertising, chain letters, or other non-business related activities e.g. use of NevadaNet as an open forum for the unsolicited distribution of a personal position or grievance Providing NevadaNet connectivity to other parties through reselling, trading, bartering, or any other means Establishing or maintaining personal or non-NSHE related commercial business endeavors Propagation of computer worms or viruses Using the network to make unauthorized entry to other computational, information, or communications devices or resources Legal References Reproduction or distribution of copyrighted works, including, but not limited to, images, text or software, without permission of the owner is an infringement of U.S. Copyright Law, 17 U.S.C.A. et.seq., and is subject to civil damages and criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment under federal law. Distribution or receipt of child pornography, under 18 U.S.C. 2252, is also illegal under federal law. Use of computer resources to facilitate pyramid schemes is also illegal conduct under 18 U.S.C. Section 1302. Software piracy (illegal copying or violating license agreements)(first offense) is punishable, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. et.seq., by a jail term of up to ten years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. Sound recording duplication is also protected from copying by the federal copyright statutes. 18 U.S.C. 1030 makes it a federal crime to: Steal information from computers belonging to financial institutions or federal agencies or steal information from computers used in interstate commerce. Access government computers without authorization. Damage computer systems or system data (either by reckless or intentional conduct). Traffic in stolen computer passwords. Engage in extortionate threats to damage computer systems. Sending electronic mail that threatens other persons or property is illegal under 18 U.S.C. section 1030. Commercial use of NSHE computer resources is prohibited by Nevada Revised Statutes Section 197.110 (2). 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